Write a short essay about an ethical dilemma you have faced in your own life

I haven’t had any major ethical dilemmas in my lifetime, at least not any that I can think of but I do have smaller ethical dilemmas that I am faced with from time to time. Recently I went to a local supermarket to do some shopping for some items I would need for school. After I got everything I needed I went to the checkout line. At the line the cashier was a friendly older woman, we spoke briefly than she proceeded to checking out my items. As she was checking me out she seemed somewhat distracted by one of her co-workers. She finished ringing me up pretty quickly and I had noticed she forgot a few items. The dilemma here was whether to act like she was done and not tell her about the remaining items or tell her she forgot a few things. It took n time to decide what I would do and I told her that she forgot a few items. In this situation I would not have wished to have responded any differently. The ethical framework I used in this situation was the virtue approach. In life I most use the virtue or common good approach. I just have these beliefs in doing right because I feel I should. I sometimes feel like I can’t live with myself if I do wrong on purpose. If I choose to ignore ethics I can’t be mad when someone else ignores doing the right thing for me. Society is filled with selfishness which comes to play in ethics a good amount.