What Types of Questions Appear on the NCLEX?

What Types of Questions Appear on the NCLEX?

NCLEX questions are written specifically to test a candidate’s complex thought process. There can potentially be more than one correct answer; selecting the answer that is “most correct” will demonstrate both a candidate’s critical thinking skills and their ability to make efficient decisions.

There are various question formats, including:

  • Chart/Exhibit
  • Drag & Drop
  • Fill in the Blank
  • Hot Spot Items
  • Multiple Choice
  • Multiple Response
  • Ordered Response

It is recommended to thoroughly review each question carefully to fully understand exactly what is being asked. Distractor answers are quite common on the NCLEX and are designed to confuse candidates by providing multiple scenarios. Exam takers must carefully select answers within the scope of practice for a nurse and prioritize patient care accordingly.

Both exams also include the standard memorization and knowledge of facts questions candidates would typically find on any other examination. Dedicate a significant amount of time studying, memorizing, and preparing to answer questions about vital nursing concepts.

The Next Generation NCLEX (NGN)

Asking the Right Questions for Real Life Practice

In 2009, the NCSBN connect with nursing professionals in clinical practice and industry experts and determined level of decision making with nursing had led to numerous errors made by recently licensed nurses. Studies uncovered up to 65% of entry-level nurse errors were related to poor clinical decision-making and only 20% of nurse employers were satisfied with their judgement capabilities.

From 2012-2014, the NCSBN supported two nursing practice and the entry-level nurse studies. Cataloged by more than 2,500 pages, these reports established the need for clinical judgment to be considered one of the top five skills required for recently licensed nurses entering the field to practice. Additionally, problem solving, and critical thinking were also identified as being vital to clinical judgment.

Top Five Skills Required for Recently Licensed Nurses:

  • Clinical Judgement
  • Problem Solving
  • Critical Thinking
  • Active Listening
  • Professional Communication

The RN Nursing Knowledge Survey from 2017 offered more evidence of the need for clinical judgment. Newly licensed RNs, RN supervisors, and RN educators unanimously agreed on the importance of clinical judgment. LPN experts shared the same concerns. As a result of these findings, the NCSBN determined it was vital to move forward with the Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) Project.

Year Long Research and Analysis

The NCSBN’s team of researchers and psychometricians have followed eight evidence-based steps to prepare for the new version of the exam:

NGN Special Research Section

Starting in July 2017, the NCSBN began including a Special Research Section (SRS) as part of the NCLEX-RN exam for select candidates. In October 2020, it began offering an SRS to select PN candidates.

The SRS presents unique item types that are specially designed to evaluate the candidate’s clinical judgment skills.

Candidates receive 30 minutes to complete the SRS after their standard NCLEX exam with no impact on their NCLEX score.

Candidates’ answers provide data to the NCSBN for use in testing and analyzing the new item types.

The NCSBN says, “This research helps identify Next Generation NCLEX (NGN) items that are at the appropriate difficulty level for entry-level nurses — items that are neither too difficult nor too easy. The research section also helps gather data related to the time required to respond to the new NGN items. Validating both the content and the measurement properties of items is essential to developing a standard-leading assessment of clinical judgment.”