The Issue Of Childhood Obesity

Obesity refers to health condition where fat in the body is excess. The Body Mass Index (BMI) is extensively utilized as the screening procedure to determine the existence of the disease. Moreover, childhood obesity is long-term and immediate effects on emotional, social, and physical health (Sahoo et al. 187). For instance, children having this condition are more likely to suffer from other diseases such as cardiovascular diseases, depression and different forms of cancers.  The proportion of children suffering from obesity in the United States has increased by threefold since the 1970s from 5.2 percent to 16.9 percent in 2012. Statistics from 2015-2016 indicated that about 20 percent of school going children aged between 6 to 19 years are affected by the disease (Baidal et al. 761). Children in the age group 12-19 years have the highest risk of obesity while those between 2 and 5 years have the lowest risks (Ogden et al. 806). For this reason, childhood obesity is a serious public health issue in the country.

A wide range of risk factors is associated with childhood obesity. Some of these include the degree of physical activity, lifestyle and parent BMI and nighttime sleep duration. Research has indicated that such factors are linked to overweight. For instance, poor diet having huge levels of sugar and fat, and less amount of nutrients contributes to children overweight which subsequently develops to obesity (Baidal et al. 761). Soft drinks, candy, and fast food are major dietary risk factors for childhood obesity. Similarly, convenience foods including canned pasta, salty snacks, and frozen dinners can also lead to harmful gaining of weight. On the other hand, parents whose BMI is high are more likely to have children who are overweight or obese. However, the key reason for childhood obesity is a permutation of the low degree of exercise and high-energy food intake (Brownell and Timothy eds. 13). Reports have also underlined that psychological issues may be a source of childhood obesity. For instance, teenagers or kids who are depressed, stressed, or bored may eat a huge amount of food to deal with negative emotions (Ogden et al. 806).

Healthy food is so much more expensive

Health food is much more expensive in the United States, especially among the underprivileged children. Studies have pointed out that many families are unable to easily pay for health diets such as fish, meats, vegetables, and fresh fruits as compared to refined grains and processed snacks and meals. Indeed, the scholars argued that the reason for such occurrence is due to present food policies encourages large scales production but the cheaper process (Baidal et al. 761). In addition, it prefers processed foodstuffs that deliver higher profit margin per unit in the nutrition sector. Consequently, it increases the prices of nutritious food by more than $1.50 daily relative to unhealthy meals (Ogden et al. 807).

Convincing people to stop eating fast food

People should be encouraged and empowered to stop eating fast food, which increases the risk of childhood obesity. Embracing healthy eating habits is completely important (Brownell and Timothy eds. 13). Parents play a major role in determining the eating patterns of the children. In fact, the majority of children consume the types of foods that the parents purchase. Therefore, parents should be educated on the importance of eating nutritious meals especially by reducing the soft drinks and sweets in their diet (Sahoo et al. 187). For instance, they awareness should be created to encourage them to take meals nonfat or lower-fat milk.

Convincing children to become more active