Part 2: Identify and describe one example of how Islamophobia is manifest in Australian cities (4 marks)
The events that took shape in Cronulla Australia are a perfect example of islamophobia. The case
occurred on December 2005 on the eleventh day when a violent mob of more than five thousand people
gathered in the beach at Cronulla, New South Wales. They were singing and waving the Australian flag
chanting anti-Muslimism slogans. The mob did not spare any person that seemed to have originated from
the Middle Eastern with verbal abuses and to a larger extend with physical assault. They smashed cars
that were sought to be Muslim’s and looted any shop that was run by a Muslim. However, their
counterparts retaliated by doing the same deeds that were done to them. The government sent large
troops of police officers to quash the situation.
The root cause for the event was a revival of the new forms of racism through the adoption of fear as a
policy in the mainstream political arena. As witnessed the political leaders argued that race and racism
were not the underlying causes of incidents which even worsens the situation by escalating more hate.
From the outlook of the whole scenario, the motivation for the riots was the new wave of racism that has
befallen Australia.
The Australian media houses, instead of reporting the actual incidences as described above went ahead
and described the events as though the men of Middle Eastern origin were terrorists and were of the
Muslim origin.
Additionally, the first incidence when the Australian people marched to the beach and destroyed
property owned by Muslim-like people, the government did not send any police officers. But on the
second retaliation incident, the government sent large troops indicating that their acts were of terrorism