Part 2: Choose one (1) of Iris Marion Young’s ‘faces of oppression’. Provide a definition of the ‘face of oppression’ you have chosen and explain one way it is being experienced or is apparent in contemporary Australian society. (4 marks)

Exploitation- it is one facet of the Marion Young’s ‘faces of oppression’. “Is defined as the concept explained in
this concept is that oppression follows a pattern and described as s steady process of transfer of the labour of
one social group to benefit another”.
In this face, it is built by structural relationships that are bound together in a system with all the energies and
activities of the underclass groups used to enhance the well-being and augment the power of the elite groups.
The underclass groups re also used to augment the wealth of the elite groups through all means including racial
and sexual exploitations.
For instance, gender exploitations are explained under this face as the systematic and unreciprocated power
transfer from the female gender to the male gender. The transfer of power does not spare material, emotional, or
sexual energies. Additionally, racial exploitation is the use of capitalist means in oppressing racialized groups.
In this form, members of a particular racial group are subjected to serving another particular racial group that is
assumed to possess more power and stature in the community. The oppressed racial group is supposed to offer
menial labour to the privileged group. Menial labour is categorised by factors such as “service, servile,
unskilled, and low-paying work that lacks in autonomy”.
Under this category of Marion Young’s ‘faces of oppression’, the injustices associated with exploitation and
menial labour are not solved by redistribution of wealth and resources. It is argued that institutionalized
practices and relations promote are one way how inequality is bred and born thus recycling the racial
exploitation cycle.