Part 1: List Iris Marion Young’s ‘five faces of oppression’ (1 mark)

Part 1: List Iris Marion Young’s ‘five faces of oppression’ (1 mark)
1. Exploitation- “the concept explained in this concept is that oppression follows a pattern and described as s
steady process of transfer of the labour of one social group to benefit another”.
2. Marginalization- “it is described as the rejected people that the system fails to use either because they are
racially marked, elderly, mentally handicapped, the unemployed etc.”. These people are expelled from engaging
into useful participation in social life pushing them to severe material deprivation.
3. Powerlessness- “They are the group that is rendered powerless through the lack of authority or power. Even
through the mediated sense, power is exercised on them when they are already excluded from the power itself”.
These people are classified as powerless because the only thing they follow is taking orders with no rights
whatsoever to give the orders back
4. Cultural Imperialism- “This group is associated with being ignored by the society it originates where the
particular group is rendered invisible”. Often than not, the group is stereotyped and rendered as others in the
5. Violence- “violence is systematic and direct as it is associated with directing forceful acts of insult to a group
just because they belong to that group”.