Nursing diagnosis-3: Risk for imbalanced body temperature related to dehydration, inadequate thermoregulation, or prolonged exposure to high environmental temperatures. Nursing interventions: Monitor vital signs: Regularly…
Nursing care plan for fever Nursing diagnosis-1: Body temperature elevated above the normal range Related to : Infections exposure to a hot environment vigorous activities medication…
Best nursing care plans for fever Fever is defined as an increase in body temperature above 99°F (37.2°C). The cause of fever may be some…
Middle range concept of nursing: The middle range concept is the expansion of the global concept of nursing. It includes systemic, interactive, evolutional, and behavioral…
The global concept of nursing: It is also called the Metaparadigm of nursing. It includes person, health, environment, and care. Middle range concept of nursing: It is…
The client will discuss a phobic object or situation with the nurse or therapist within 5 days. Long term Goals The client will be able…
There are eight major categories. Generalized anxiety disorder: Characterized by excessive, uncontrollable worrying over a period of at least 6 months. Symptoms include motor tension (trembling;…
Writing a nursing care plan requires adequate judgement about the patient’s conditions. A good nursing care plan includes the following steps and techniques. Step-1:Assessment Assessment…
Formats of a Nursing care plan Johnson (1959), Orlando (1961), and Wiedenbach (1963) have developed a three-point nursing care plan i.e. assessment, planning and evaluation. In their…
Formats of a Nursing care plan Johnson (1959), Orlando (1961), and Wiedenbach (1963) have developed a three-point nursing care plan i.e. assessment, planning and evaluation.