Nursing profession as an emerging profession: concept, objectives, characteristics, nature, scope, and function

  • The global concept of nursing: It is also called the Metaparadigm of nursing. It includes person, health, environment, and care.
  • Middle range concept of nursing: It is the expansion of middle-range concept of nursing. This expansion is based on various theories and models like systemic, interactive, evolutional, and behavioral paradigms.
  • Empirical concept of nursing: These concepts have defined boundaries and more accurate than other concepts.

Global concept of nursing/Metaparadigm of nursing

Definitions of meta paradigms may be different based upon the view of different theorists.

Meta paradigms of nursing

Person: Here the person is who will receive the care. According to Watson Person is a social creature and it has some unique needs. According to her nurses should respect the needs of a person regardless of social, culture, customs, and beliefs. Nurses should take a holistic approach to make the person fully healed. Each person’s dignity should be maintained and protected at all times.

Health: Health includes quality and wellness. According to Watson, Health is curing illness. Watson beliefs to achieve health, a holistic approach is essential. The holistic approach focuses on mind, body, and soul.

Environment: Environment includes both internal and external which affect the individual. Watson believes that the environment plays an important role in nursing activities during providing care. According to Watson, a good environment is very much essential for both nursing professionals and patients.