Managed Nursing Care Topic Ideas for Dissertations, Term Papers, and Nursing Essays

Managed Nursing Care Topic Ideas for Dissertations, Term Papers, and Nursing Essays

  1. Identify the principal factors that determine what form and structure managed care organizations assume and how these factors influence plan design.
  2. Recognize the main aspects, features, and characteristics of health plans and how these components have changed over time.
  3. Forgoing treatment at end of life: Pediatric Euthanasia
  4. Recognize the range of health plans from the perspective of a continuum that moves through key variables as relative points of comparison from plan to plan.
  5. Recall the types of health maintenance organizations (HMOs) that served as models for other forms of managed care organizations (MCOs) and predicted their future.
  6. Understand the fundamental principle behind all managed care health plans that balance cost and control.
  7. Know the general definition of Integrated Delivery Systems that can apply to various forms of IDSs.
  8. Describe the various types of Medicare Advantage plans both those that are quite popular and those that are less so.
  9. Identify the requirements managed care organizations must have in order to qualify for offering Medicare Advantage plans.
  10. Know what are core results managed care organizations, physicians, and health care organizations can expect from the effective operations of disease management
  11. Learn what connects consumerism, network development, and contract negotiation as major themes in managed care.
  12. Describe the social and economic factors and conditions that strongly promoted the rise of integrated delivery systems in this country.
  13. Recall the design and structure of such systems and how they function and operate comparing traditional delivery systems with today’s approaches.
  14. Describe the various types of integrated delivery systems for physicians and hospitals/health systems.
  15. Learn why member service represents such a strong response to consumerism both in health care delivery and administrative services.
  16. Explain the scope of services and general operations of customer interactive
  17. Understand the two factors of geography and competition as they relate to network
  18. Explain the four major areas of contract negotiation and why each if so critically important to managed care.
  19. Recognize the close connection these systems have with managed care and how these connections are mutually beneficial.
  20. Understand the impact the Accountable Care Act will be having on IntegratedDelivery Systems.
  21. Identify the strategies used by managed care organizations to create effective physician change.
  22. Understand the principle formula of cost and how that impacts the various areas of quality in health care delivery.
  23. Share what are the case management guidelines frequently applied by the managed care industry in this quality-driven strategy.
  24. Recall the origins of disease management and the importance of population health, evidence-based medicine, and managed care alignment in its development.
  25. Identify the major components of disease management and how they operate using its fundamental definition to form this discussion.
  26. Describe the four major roles and functions of primary care physicians as understood by managed care organizations.
  27. Learn what are the three major focuses all utilization management programs have.
  28. Know the differences between utilization management in the past with what it means today and its current conceptual framework.
  29. Learn the definition of quality based upon the 2003 definition from the Committee on Quality of Health Care in America.