. Identify one social determinant of health (SDOH) affecting the subpopulation described in part A. 1. Explain how this SDOH is affecting the subpopulation described in part A. Your explanation should address the following questions and be supported with local, state, or national data: • What is the biggest contributor to disease (morbidity) and premature death (mortality) in the community?
1. Description of Environmental Concerns
There were no drinking water violations sited for Coles County. 15% have severe housing
problems. Coles County Air pollution-particulate matter is 9.4, this is slightly higher with the
national average of 7.5 Coles County-area historical earthquake activity is significantly above
Illinois state average. It is 171% greater than the overall U.S. average. (City Data 2019) In Coles
County, IL 47.88% of the population have low food access. (Sarah Bush Lincoln 2021) These all
effect the elderly. Poor air quality can lead to respiratory issues. Lack of quality housing and
food access decrease of the quality of health for patients. A safe, clean environment that provides
access to healthy food and recreational opportunities is important to maintaining and improving
ones health. (Sarah Bush Lincoln 2021) If we aren’t providing these opportunities to our
community then we can’t expect our community population to have improving health.
A2. Comparison Discussion (Subpopulation vs. Larger Community Population)
In coles county 4.9 perecent of the population is under 5 years old while 18.1% is under 18.
17.8% of people are over the age of 65 and more specifically 15.6% are over the age of 75.
(United States Census Bureau, n.d.). I looked past just the percentages of each age demographic
and looked for what percent of each demographic lives in poverty. 16.9% of people under 18,
10.6 percent of 60 years of age, and 10.3 % of people 65 and older live inpoverty in Coles
County. Meanwhile Illinois is ranked 11th lowest social security dollars per capital in Illinois.
(Sarah Bush Lincoln 2021) More people, specifically the elderly are living in poverty and unable
to afford proper housing. At an average of $5,300 a month for assisted living and $10,737 for a
semi private skilled nursing home room, more elderly are forced to depend on their limited
support systems and themselves to allow them to age comfortably (Senior Guide, 2020). With the
increase in eldery assited living and the low income we are not allowing eldery to have the same
health equity. If the elderly are forced to live at home unable to care for them selfs, unable to
cook proper meals, or have transportation to community resources their quality of life can