Identify and describe one example of gender inequality evident in urban societies and environments. In your response, make reference to the concept that sustains the gender inequality you have identified (5 marks). The aspect considered here as gender inequality is harassment against women
Identify and describe one example of gender inequality evident in urban societies and environments. In your
response, make reference to the concept that sustains the gender inequality you have identified (5 marks).
The aspect considered here as gender inequality is harassment against women
Women have more than often expressed gender-based violence in facilities such as public transportation.
However, they have always expressed this as a normal norm within the societal values that they have grown in.
To them, violence between them and men is a normal order of the day rather than an inequality. They also
express their fear for public places as being shaped by the gender norms. These norms dictate that their roles in
the society are of lesser important as compared to those of men.
Urban societies have continued to subject women through gender inequalities. Gender-based violence and
sexual harassment against women has continued to thrive in the urban centres. Women’s fear of public places is
shaped by the gender norms which dictate their role in society. In Mexico City the idea of the mobile woman
runs counter to her role in society as a wife and mother. Women are expected to be home during the hours that
define family values, including meal times and after school. family values, including meal times and after
school. Violence and harassment tend to emerge most prominently when women deviate from this role. In fact,
women are often blamed for the violence and are seen as bringing it upon themselves through ‘inappropriate
behaviour.’ In this sense, women’s search for safe modes of travel is deeply connected to traditional gender
norms which are constantly at work to immobilize them.
Women are branded weak due to the notion of them being ‘caring and nurturing’ leaving them vulnerable and
incapacitated in many ways including protecting themselves. In many forums, men have more than often
responded arrogantly and aggressively to women’s stories of being violated in every way within the
communities. Men indicate that the violence against women was not a cause for alarm as it was the social norm
of the communities.
It is evident that urban mobility is a perception that necessitate women to go through violence. Additionally, the
violence is an epitome of the roles that lay underneath the responsibilities of a woman. Women’s role as wives
and mothers appear to be primary factors in dictating their right to mobility, where gender-based violence in
transportation and blaming women for that violence emerge as consequences for breaking those gender norms.