“How important is Ethics to our life? How this subject helps you as a future educator?”

 Before we tackled about“How important is Ethics to our life?”first, we must know what is ethics. From my perspective, Ethics is the attitude of a person, the character and manners of a person. Then, if Ethics is the attitude of a person then in my way of thinking ethics is definitely important to our lives. For example, in workplace there’s a Code of Ethics that needs to be followed. Sometimes, in a company they are looking for a person who had a good character and as a person we must know what is right or wrong. The decisions that a person made is reflected to their character. I remember that Ethics aims to answer the basic questions “what should I do?”, because a person needs to think twice or thrice to know if their decision is right. Nowadays, it is important to have Ethics.

This subject taught me how to developed my character, to easily know if something is right or wrong. In school, they have rules that we need to follow and I followed it because it is the right thing to do. In my everyday life, I always decide on myself on what I need to do. My character helps me to had a true friend and If Someday I will become a teacher or educator I will teach and show them how to be a good student. This subject also taught me to know what I really like. To know who I really am. To be a good role model to my future students. It’s all about my moral behavior. Lastly, I want to remind my self and of course to remind you that having a good character makes us more beautiful, trust me. Also, Doing the right thing make us happy, at peace and safe. Always remember that in every action that we made there’s always a consequence on it. So that, be a good human!
Posted in Q/A