Capstone project topic selection and approval

Capstone project topic selection and approval

Wed 20 Sep 2023

My proposed capstone project topic is on the use of antipsychotic medications in older patients with dementia.  Dementia has become a matter of public health concern across the world.  Recent global estimates indicated that about 48 million people in the world are affected by dementia, a figure that is projected to increase to about 75 million by 2030 and 131.5 million by 2050 (Prince,  Ali,  Maëlenn, Prina, Albanese &  Wu, 2016).   Dementia also exerts considerable burden on caregivers, especially when it is associated with behavioral and psychological symptoms, such as aggression and psychosis (Prince et al, 2016). In United States, it is estimated that 5-10% of people aged above 65 years have dementia (APA, 2016). The prevalence of dementia is reported at 30-40% in people aged 85 years and above in the country (APA, 2016).