Against Death penalty Essay
“If we execute a person, what is the difference between us and the criminal who has committed the horrifying crime of killing another individual?” (10 Pros and Cons of Capital Punishment). Sharp (1997) mentioned that “approximately 5900 persons have been sentenced to death and 358 executed (from 1973-96) in Untied States” (See appendix for more details). He also pointed out that a record number of 56 murderers were executed in 1995 alone, and many of the people in America and the Supreme Court believe that executions are appropriate punishment for certain criminals committing specific crimes (Sharp). Capital punishment is a controversial topic all over the world because of the immense value associated with human life. No science or technology has so far succeeded in creating an artificial life form in a laboratory setup. We have already succeeded in gathering useful information about even the distant planets in and out of the solar system; but still our knowledge about the origin of life, architecture of the life, life before birth and life after death etc are very limited. Proponents of capital punishment argue that instead of giving capital punishment, keeping the hardcore criminals in prison for a lifelong period is highly expensive and meaningless. In my opinion, considering the value and mysteries surrounding human life, capital punishment is unethical or immoral.
Against Death penalty
The essence of American criminal justice system is that “partisan advocacy of both sides on a case will promote the ultimate objective that the guilty be convicted and the innocent go free” (Ferdic et al, p.37). Criminal justice systems in most of the countries believe that even if thousands of criminals escaped, no innocent people should be punished under any circumstances. We have lot of examples in which innocent people forced to accept punishments because of the circumstantial evidences collected against them by the law enforcement agencies. We should remember the story of one of the greatest philosophers of all time, Socrates, who forced to accept capital punishment since he tried to teach the word, the truth. In other words, the existing criminal justice laws are not perfect and the loopholes may take the life of even innocent people. Life is the most precious thing in this world and once it is finished, no science or technology can regain it. In short, considering the possibility of human error in judgements, capital punishment should be avoided under all circumstances. Judiciary always declare a person as innocent or criminal based on evidences collected by the law enforcement agencies. But it is quite possible that the law enforcement agency may fabricate evidences against the culprit in their thirst to prove their credentials and achieve fame. Many people believe that most of the evidences collected against the former Iraqi president Saddam Husain were fabricated ones and the criminal judicial system executed him because of the immense pressure exerted by America.