children will be placed in harmful situations during this action research. II. Evidence-Centered Research and Goal Evidence-centered Research Report – Literature Review Action Case Study: Literature Review Before a classroom can truly come to life, a teacher must establish a management strategy that works for him or her. This management strategy should include expectations the teacher expects the students to follow, engagement strategies to help all students of various academic levels buy into the teaching and the content, a plan for students who are choosing behaviors that are not following expectations, a plan for students who are not meeting the academic classroom goals, a plan for students that are ready for enrichment, and a plan for what to do when it all goes awry (Kratochwill et al., 2010). While all of this may seem very simple to someone outside the world of education, teaching while also implementing classroom and behavior management strategies can become very complex when students enter the classroom (Wolff et. al, 2021). Teachers must consistently model all expectations with their own behavior in the classroom. For example, if a teacher only reinforces negative behavior, a student that usually engages in positive behavior may begin to engage in negative behavior in order to gain recognition and reinforcement (Kratochwill et. al., 2010)