Finishing Your Nursing Capstone

Finishing Your Nursing Capstone
Capstone formats and completion times vary greatly among programs. Capstones are completed in 4-5 weeks at Luther College and Purdue University Northwest, whereas Ferris State University requires 30 hours of online coursework and 90 hours of applied project work. The capstone course at Case Western Reserve University lasts 10 weeks.

Most students, regardless of program, use a PICO framework for project proposal questions of inquiry: population, intervention, comparison or condition, and result.

Capstone projects can be conducted in teams at some universities, with students developing and implementing the project. Capstone components could include defining the project and the role of the team leader, choosing team members, and developing the project plan.

In addition to the previously mentioned talents, such as evidence-based care knowledge, critical thinking, and effective writing, capstone courses hone leadership and management competencies. These include creating collaborative connections and working on multidisciplinary teams, as well as practicing therapeutic communication and applying leadership and management concepts.