Components of various PICOT Questions/Statements

Components of various PICOT Questions/Statements

Type of Question Patient/Population Intervention/Exposure Comparison Outcome Measures
Treatment/Therapy The patient’s disease or condition A therapeutic measure such as lifestyle change, education, counseling, surgery, or medication Standard of care, other interventions, or placebo. Mortality rate, days lost from work, or disability.
Prevention Patient’s risk factors and general health condition A preventive measure such as medication or a lifestyle change Incidence of disease, mortality rate, days lost from work.
Diagnosis The target disease or condition A diagnostic test or procedure Measures of the test utility such as sensitivity, specificity, or odds ratio.
Prognosis The main prognostic factor, clinical problems in terms of duration and severity The exposure of interest is usually time, sometimes expressed as watchful waiting. Survival rates, mortality rates, rates of disease progression
Etiology/Harm The patient’s risk factors, current health disorders, or general health condition The intervention of exposure of interest includes indicating the strength of the risk factor and the duration of exposure. It does not apply here Disease incidence, rate of disease progression, or mortality rate.