Pro and Against Gun Control: Background of the Study Essay
The issue of gun control has had various debates and arguments for those who support and those against stricter laws of gun ownership. In reality, the Second Amendment within the United States constitution is responsible for the issues of gun control. In this respect, this part of the constitution is interpreted by many that people have a right to acquiring and owning a gun. The gun control laws are there to ensure that citizens who get access to guns are using them safely and appropriately not for criminal activities. It is, however, clear from Small Arms Survey that today, there are about 88 firearms for every 100 citizens within the United States. Many cases of gun-related crimes and fatalities have been reported within the country which indicates that public access to guns may be more harmful than beneficial. In this way, society should understand the importance of gun control laws and limiting access to citizens that access guns while addressing arguments opposing them as a way of saving lives.
Background of the Study
Gun violence is a common phenomenon in American society and the National Victimization Survey showed that 467, 321 people died in 2011 as a result of criminal activities using firearms. The FBI generated a report in 2011 that testified that 68% of homicides and 41% of violent robberies, as well as 21% of aggravated attacks, are done using guns. In addition, handguns are the most common firearms that are used in criminal activities especially homicides committed each year. This research shows that gun violence is a reality within society and many people use them to intimidate victims. It is also clear that most handguns are involved in criminal activities like assault, in various threats that are done without injury, and in many cases of rape or robbery (Zimring 723).
Gun ownership is another apparent issue in the United States with findings showing that more than 200 million firearms were in private ownership in the 1990s. Through the years guns among private ownership have increased especially due to the creation of new households and more wealthy people who needed to acquire firearms. In other areas, the increasing crime rates within the country motivated citizens who initially did not have guns to acquire them in a bid to seek protection. It is evident however that the reason that people own guns is more related to crime rates compared to having more wealth. Nonetheless, it is also evident that many firearms, specifically long guns are acquired for recreational activities like hunting which is not related to crime. Additionally, research indicates that as guns among private ownerships increased, they also grew tremendously among criminals and individuals with violent personas than in other groups of people. These “high risk” groups are barely represented and this is how gun ownership in private hands continued to be constant in the 1980s.
Evidence to Support Gun Control
Gun control is important because the many guns accessible to people make it easier for many of those in possession or criminals to injure and even kill others. This is clearly shown in the statistics that more than 60% of murder cases witnesses in the United States involve firearms. In 1989, the use of firearms injured more than 70,000 Americans most of whom ended up with permanent scars like disabilities. Additionally, gun murders are common in the heat of the moment and many people die from such encounters with firearms. It is clear that many non-lethal gun injuries are witnessed often because firearm shootings are high. In this way, gun control is important to minimize the access of guns to private owners and especially criminals. In reality, the presence of a gun makes it easier to kill or injure someone than when there is none, especially for instantaneous attacks. When there are stricter gun control laws it is easier to reduce crime-related violence since if the firearms are unavailable, it is definite that they would not be used. In addition, if owning guns becomes illegal, it would be easier for law enforcement agencies to arrest potential criminals before they get a chance to commit a crime (Valdez 43).
It is also necessary to control guns in the public because of the many suicide cases that are being reported. In reality, research shows that homes and residents in which there is a gun have a 5 times more possibility of experiencing a suicide than in houses where there are no firearms. It is a fact that people who live in houses with guns and someone has suicidal thoughts, a gun would be the easiest object to use for committing the act. It is evident that suicide occurs easily when there access to a gun among people who have strong emotions of fury, depression, and those who are hooked on drugs or even alcohol (Carter 9).