“The Frivolity of Evil” Reflection Paper Theodore Dalrymple’s article “The Frivolity of Evil”
“The Frivolity of Evil” Reflection Paper Theodore Dalrymple’s article “The Frivolity of Evil” describes his main argument, which is how this world is succumbed by evil and there is no escape from it, especially from the scope of political evil. At the beginning of the article, Dalrymple believed that evil doesn’t exist in a broad aspect but later he realized that it did, and mostly in a political face. Throughout the article Dalrymple questions the different aspects of evil that people commit and how they lead to resorting to that sort of evil. “My work has caused me to become perhaps unhealthily preoccupied with the problem of evil. Why do people commit evil? What conditions allow it to flourish? How is it best prevented and, when necessary, suppressed?” (Dalrymple). The evil in the political form such as in Nazi Germany, Guinea, Liberia or North Korea, evil has been widespread through a specific ruler. Leaders of these countries are wicked and villainous and to seek their corrupt goals these dictators have resorted to evil but at the cost of other people’s lives. Dalrymple understands that people do not care about each other rather they only subsidize to worrying about themselves and what is best for them. This results them to commit evil, as an activity can be good for them but have negative or criminal consequences for other people. The three reasons that causes evil are man’s natural nature to commit evil, welfare system, and leftist principles. Dalrymple shows how everyone commits evil, it is just a matter of fact whether how big of a scope one’s evil can reach. “Men commit evil within the scope available to them