Ethical dilemma you have faced in your life Essay You will write an essay about ethical dilemmas you have faced in your life, whether at school, at home, with friends, in a romantic relationship or while working or pursuing a hobby. How did you handle it? Then using ideas and concepts you have learned in the course, text book and discussions, if you were faced with the same situation again, would you handle it differently or how/what would you would say to a client under the same conditions.
Ethical Dilemmas Ethical dilemmas. There can be so many types of these dilemmas depending on the person or situation. By definition, an ethical dilemma is a complex situation that often involves an apparent mental conflict between moral imperatives, in which to obey one would result in transgressing another. In other words, it is a situation where a person’s morals and principles come into play, making it hard to come up with a solution. Leaders face ethical dilemmas all the time. They need to make decisions that benefit the people below them and themselves. These dilemmas really help in showing who a person is and they also help people learn a lot about themselves that they may not have known. Ethical dilemmas can very personal, so I am going to share a story where I made a mistake. This one ethical dilemma occurred in high school, around my junior year, involving a friend, two girls and myself.