Change Process and Management of Change Question 1
The process of change is an essential component of our lives and the organizations we inhabit, and there are many theories of change from a multi-disciplinary orientation that can be applied to different contexts. The theories of change provide an understanding of the nature of change and how it is affected by various factors such as culture, environment, and technology. The discussion is aimed at exploring the various theories of change from a multi-disciplinary orientation, including sociological change, cultural change, political change, biological change, natural change, and physical/technological change. Sociological change is a type of change that is based on the study of society and its interactions. It is often studied in reference to social movements, such as those that occurred during the civil rights movement in the United States. According to Scott (2009), sociological change is a process of “collective action that is intended to transform a predominantly static, hierarchical, and oppressive social system into one that is more equitable, dynamic, and inclusive.” This type of change is often linked to the idea of social progress. Some other theories of sociological change include the functionalist theory, which views social change as the result of the adaptation of social structures to changing circumstances, and the structural-functionalist theory, which emphasizes the role of social institutions in directing social change (Dhillon & Vaca, 2018). One example of a visual schema related to this type of change is the concept of social networks, which is often used to illustrate how social connections can lead to changes in behavior, beliefs, and attitudes. Cultural change is the process by which a culture is modified, often in response to external influences or changes in the environment. This type of change is often driven by the shared