Ethical Issues in Qualitative Research
As with quantitative research, qualitative research has concerns of integrity and ethical consideration. According to Bryman and Bell (2007), there are ten points that researchers should consider in qualitative research. 1.Research participants should not be subjected to harm in any way whatsoever. 2.Respect for the dignity of research participants should be prioritized. 3.Full consent should be obtained from the participants prior to the study. 4.The protection of the privacy of research participants has to be ensured. 5.An adequate level of confidentiality of the research data should be ensured. 6.The anonymity of individuals and organizations participating in the research has to be ensured. 7.Any deception or exaggeration about the aims and objectives of the research must be avoided. 8.Affiliations in any form, sources of funding, as well as any possible conflicts of interests have to be declared. 9.Any type of communication in relation to the research should be done with honesty and transparency. 10.Any type of misleading information, as well as representation of primary data findings in a biased way, must be avoided. According to Sanjari et al. (2014), Warusznski (2002), shares that the relationship and intimacy that is established between the researchers and participants in qualitative studies can raise a range of different ethical concerns, and qualitative researchers face dilemmas such as respect for privacy, the establishment of honest and open interactions, and avoiding misrepresentationsEthically challenging situations may emerge if researchers have to deal with contradicting issues and choose between different methodological strategies in conflict arises. Punch (1994) and Truscott (2004) share that in some cases disagreements among different components such as participants, researchers, researchers’ discipline, the funding body, and the society may be inevitable.
Reference Bryman, A. &Bell, E. (2007) “Business Research Methods”, 2nd edition. Oxford University Press. Retrieved from considerations/#_ftnref1 Burkholder, G., Cox, K., & Crawford, L. (2016).The scholar-practitioner’s guide to research design. [Ebook] (1st ed.). Baltimore, Maryland: Laureate Publishing. Retrieved from[;vnd.vst.idref=html-cover- page]!/4/2/4@0:0.00